Saturday, January 30, 2010

sex drugs and rock n roll (whitout the rock n roll)

okay. its my birthday today. waking up dressed in just a fucking towel, ALL WET in a random bed with a random swedish guy and Q. no fucking idea what happend last night. not at all. i just went up and ran away. when i got out from the flat i found out that the closest tube was oldstreet. (ofc, we were just off kingsland road.... i could have guessed that)
once again, im pretty pissed on myself for dissing that model guy.
and for not remembering a fucking shit of yesterday. or, well, i do remember some. we went to catch. we met up with stevene. we went to a fucking gay bar, were everyone was so fucking good looking so it hurted, because they were gay.... omg. just got a flashback. some amazingly good looking guys making out with eachother. and i just felt.. a bit in the way.
met some swedish people. went to the russian bar? made out with a random guy. went to their appartment, took some whatever and started doing things. it all ended up pretty nasty. took a bath with mr swedish guy and Q like six in the morning. then i rememberd that i had birthdabreakfast planned with my family.... so went home. when i woke up. in just a towel. hope i found all of my clothes. well, im still fucking drunk/high or whatever. but i dont fucking care. its my birthday and now im gonna open some presents.


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