Sunday, June 13, 2010

or maybe I shouldn't leave at all

yes, I've been in fucking turkey. and now Im a bigger mess then ever, haha. seriously, it's not pretty.

I left on a friday. I realized that leaving on a friday is never a good thing, cuz thursday nights always seems to be the crazyest. (but a realized, just now, that last time, I left on a thursday and I was about to throw up on the airport cuz that wednesday night was so maybe it's just leaving I shouldnt do.) I acctually was a bit nervous this time tho, cuz it was easy to tell by my eyes what I had been doing last night. or at least that I had been doing something illegal.

it was a long night, in a very good way. we went to east end thrift store, to the galleries, to catch, to joiners and to the french guy with the weird name. I had fun the entire time.
I slept an hour before going to the airport.

and now Im back, where I belong, it seems.

I quit my job. And me and V are goin to the occupied house later tonight. we are doing a project, and I hope it turns out good. exciting anyways.


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