Sunday, February 7, 2010

kate moss is also really really old, but she is fucking hot anyway!

really really wierd weekend. lost my phone, was missing for like 17 hours that i spent far away in a house with a guy and it was all oh so blurry. watching movies, drinking to much, taking to much shitt, having wierd conversations, eating to much chocolate and pretend that we were 15 again. but we are not. (he is actually twice that age.....)
and then, saturday. was on the list for some really posh club with an open bar. came there, drank some free drinks and left. not much of a saturday night, tho.
(cant wait for next weekend, swapp-o-rama!)

now; eating ben n jerys in my bed. just realized that I havent had a proper meal since wednesday. yesterday was the worst.
breakfast: a pear,
lunch: some chocholate,
supper: a bottle of wine.



Faith said...

ah thanks!
i've read through yours and i really like it!!
also you made me want:
cookie's&cream chocolate bar
ice cream


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