Wednesday, February 24, 2010

we came here to do shitty jobs monday-friday and live like kings and queens on the weekends

the reason why i dont update that much during the week is because i have a shitty job and im studying at the same time, so i dont have anything to blog about. anything at all.
all i ever wish is that i wouldent need to work. that i had enaugh money to just wonder around, do nothing, drink red wine in the bath, learn how to play the guitar, buy a old and charming flat and decorate it just the way i want to, spend days and days at tiny little vintage-shops, drink beer and smoke weed in the park, get a cat, read very complicated books, take lots of pictures, go out five days a week, kiss to many boys and just live life. but i cant. at least not for now.
and that makes me a bit sad.


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