Thursday, March 25, 2010

glaciers have melted to the sea

a quite funny thing happend in the cofeeshop on brick lane today. I was just about to pay for my coffee when the guy behind the counter says:
Haha, what is that? (Pointing at the mirror in my wallet) Do you take your cocaine from it?
I laughed.
Thought about wether I should tell him the truth or not.
Decided not to say anything about it.

I was in the thrift store by whitechapel aswell. great as always. the guy who works there tried on a back pack and asked if I liked it. I said he looked like a school boy. He laughed and said "I get that a lot". Sweeter!

Anyways. got a great pair of trousers. that I cut of, so now they are shorts.
That was pretty much my day. Oh, and I told my landlady about me moving. she was devastated. Poor thing, she's the sweetest!
Let's do something fun now!


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