Tuesday, March 23, 2010

the guy with no underwear

had a lazy weekend. went to see lots of flats, did some shopping and stuff and stayed in both friday and saturday night. went to mr dickheads house this sunday again. (maybe i should start calling him something else..)
he is wierd. and i cant decide if its in a good or a bad way.
he tells me that i inspire him. he tells me that i have lips like marshmallows. he wants to take me shopping and take me to his friends gig. thats wierd.
cus so far have we only met up at his place, done some drugs, had sex and just spent hours in his bed pretending to be 15.
hes gonna name his latest song chloe. after me.
he thinks that its a good thing that im moving closer to where he works. and he wants to come over for supper?! (havent heard anything so cheesy for years. me and mr dickhead? eating supper?)
not sure at all if i like where this is going.


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