Thursday, March 4, 2010

where there's smoke

oh my, Im shattered! slept two hours last night. Two fucking hours! Me and another friend went to notting hill. drank a lot of wine, as usual. our bartender wasnt there! I thought he had quit since it was a new guy instead. later on, it turned out that was not the case. he just didnt work cuz he was playing with his band. Which I found out in a quite embarrassing way.
anyways. we met some other ppl we know and when the place was closing we all ended up at a random afterparty with a danish guy and his roomies. who I think was english and/or australian. danish guy and one of his friends were charming. one was just weird and one hooked up with some girl upstairs, so I wouldnt know about him.
well, we just hung out at their place. smoked a lot. danish guy taught me how to make smoke rings. we drank beer. played the guitar. listened to music. talked and laughed. before we knew it it was six in the morning. I slept for a bit. my friend called in sick.
eventually we went home. I slept for an hour, got up and got to the interwiev, who was canceled.
I just wanna sleep.. but I have to be a fucking babysitter!


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